This Week in Kindergarten…

POPCORN WORDS: big, with

READING: This week during reading, we learned how to check our reading! We learned to Check Our Reading…Look – does it look right? Listen – does it sound right? Check – does it make sense? We also learned that as books become harder, we need new kinds of picture power! We need to look at the whole picture to see what’s happening. We finished the week by learning that we need to use our SNAP word (popcorn word) power when books have less patterns and we need to read the words. 

WRITING: During our writing time this week, the kindergarteners took a big risk and wrote a how to paper on their own! We started by thinking of something they knew all about and could teach someone how to do. Then for each step they drew a picture, labeled the picture and wrote a sentence that matched the picture. I am proud of them for taking a risk and trying this all on their own! 

MATH: This week during math, we finished up unit 3 in our math books. The kinders were excited because they finished the last pages in the first math book! Soon we will begin the second math book. We practiced more teen numbers, showing the teen number with different items and writing an equation to match. We also practiced shapes and positional words…below, above, beside, etc. Next week we will be taking our unit 3 math test!

We had fun on Friday searching the room for decade numbers…we looked around the room, found the number and the word and wrote them down. It’s always fun to go on a hunt around the room!

LITERACY/PHONICS: During our literacy and phonics time this week, we learned about our last H Brother, the Ph brother – Phil. Phil is always talking on the phone. We studied some words that have ph in them and made a list of some words. The kinders did a good job sorting H Brother pictures and gluing them in the correct spot. We practiced segmenting words. We stretched out the sounds we heard in words and wrote down those sounds. We also played “I Spy” and spied words we know on the word wall in our classroom. 


  • Please remember to send in 2 healthy snacks for your child each day. 
  • Tuesday is our 100th day of kindergarten and is our 100’s day celebration! Please remember to have your child bring their 100’s day collections to school on Tuesday, February 2. It will be a fun day!
  • Remember to send in any donations for our 100’s day snack by Monday, February 1st.
  • Please remember to send your child with all of their snow gear each day. 

A message from our gym teachers…

Kids Heart Challenge information came home today and will begin on Feb. 1.  Please note that this program is for the American Heart Association and can only be done online.  For more information ask your child for the KHC envelope they got today and you can also go to the PE Blog


Monday, February 1: STEAM

Tuesday, February 2: Music; Return Take Home Book Bags and Library Books today; Today is our 100’s Day celebration!! We will be doing fun 100’s day activities today and throughout the week to celebrate!! 

Wednesday, February 3: Gym

Thursday, February 4: Art

Friday, February 5: Early Release Day – dismissal at 12:15; Special: Recess

Monday, February 8: Winter Break – no school today

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